Call For Papers


As computing and communication become faster, cheaper, and more readily available in energy-efficient platforms, the potential for advanced capabilities in engineered systems becomes manifest. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled, and integrated by computing and communication. The deployment of CPS is profoundly transforming how we interact with the physical world, just as the world wide web transformed how we interact with one another. Further harnessing the capabilities of CPS will have enormous societal and economic impact.

ICCPS is the premier forum for presenting and discussing the most significant recent technical research contributions in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). As before, ICCPS will be part of CPS-IoT Week, Milan 2022. We invite high quality submissions of technical research papers covering the full spectrum of CPS. Topics of interest include:

  • AI, CPS, and safe autonomy
  • Architectures and Networking for CPS
  • Software platforms and systems for CPS
  • Foundations of CPS
  • Human-machine interactions
  • Sensing and monitoring
  • Specification languages and requirements
  • Design, optimization, and synthesis
  • Testing, verification, certification
  • Security, trust, and privacy in CPS
  • Applications of CPS technologies
  • Tools, testbeds, demonstrations and deployments

Papers will be judged on soundness, significance, verifiability of claims, and presentation quality.

Download the full CFP: [Link]

Camera Ready Instructions

Although the camera-ready submission site explicitly requests IEEE format, authors are requested to continue using the same ACM template used in the initial submission. IEEE agreed to accept the ACM format as long as the steps below are followed:

Maximum number of pages:

The maximum number of pages is 10 pages including references in ACM two-column conference style, using US Letter (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper size. An appendix of up to two additional pages may follow the main body of the paper, within the same submitted .pdf file.

ACM Footer, Reference Format, and CCS concepts:

To adhere to the IEEExplore requirements, the ACM copyright footer, the ACM Reference Format and the CCS concepts stripes (see examples below) must be excluded from the paper. If you are using LaTeX, the exclusion of ACM copyright footer and ACM reference format stripe can be achieved by using these two commands together:


Note: You need to place these two commands just before the “\begin{document}” command.To remove the CCS concepts, simply comment out the \ccsdesc command and the \begin{CCSXML}..\end{CCSXML} block.

Example: ACM copyright footer (which should be excluded from camera-ready):

Example: ACM Reference Format stripe (which should be excluded from camera-ready):

Example: CCS Concepts stripe (which should be excluded from camera-ready):


Authors are advised to include keywords at the end of the abstract.

Submit your Electronic Copyright Form

Authors with accepted papers have been contacted directly by the IEEE to submit the  IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) through the eCF system. The eCF system allows you to complete and sign the copyright release form. You must complete the IEEE copyright release form using the eCF system before submitting your paper. Papers with no eCF record will not be included in the conference proceedings.
Please note: You are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not previously released copyright for this paper to another party. We cannot publish your paper without this properly completed form.

Create your IEEE Xplore-Compatible version

Only papers checked by IEEE PDF eXpress for IEEE Xplore compatibility are eligible to be submitted as final versions. This step can consume substantial time, so it needs to be done well before the deadline.

Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress TM site.

First-time users should do the following:

  1. Select the “New Users – Click Here link.”
  2. Enter the following:
    1. 54341X for the Conference ID
    2. Your e-mail address
    3. A password
  3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid. When you go back to the Dashboard, you can use the “Create New Title” and follow the instructions to upload and convert your PDF and generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF.

If your submitted paper is not compatible or the generation of the compatible version fails, you must address the existing issues. The verification and error solving process and may take time, so please do not start this step at the last minute. If you do not submit a final version that is a IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF, you take the risk of your paper not being included in the conference proceedings.

Once you have generated an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF, you can submit it to

Submit your Paper

Your final paper must be submitted no later than March, 4th 2022 (AoE) in order to be included in the conference proceedings.

To submit your final paper, please log into:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=ifhdJu28kaMK8qGYbf7d0
Use the “Begin Paper Submission” and then upload your paper (as returned by IEEE pdf eXpress).

If you experience any problems during the upload process of your paper, please get in touch with our publication chairs Fatemeh Afghan ( and Yasser Shoukry (


All submissions must be in English. Only original papers that are not submitted or published in other conferences or journals will be considered. ICCPS 2021 will employ a light-weight double-blind review for submitted papers, in which authors must adhere to two rules:

  1. authors’ names and institutions must be omitted; and
  2. reference to the authors’ own related work should be in the third person.

Manuscripts should have a main body with no more than 10 pages including references in ACM two-column conference style, using US Letter (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper size (template). An appendix of up to two additional pages may
follow the main body of the paper, within the same submitted .pdf file. The paper must be in the same format as that in the final published proceedings (without author information).

Repeatability and Submission Guidelines

Repeatability in cyber-physical systems research is critical. Therefore, this year we are strongly encouraging authors of accepted regular papers to submit a repeatability package. The program committee will evaluate this package. Authors of accepted repeatable packages will receive a repeatability badge that will be included on the first page of the published version. These papers will also be highlighted on the conference website. The submission date will be approximately a week after the notifications for the papers are sent out.

The Repeatability Evaluation Package (REP) consists of components:

  • copy(in pdf format) of the submitted paper with an appendix that explains the following
    • What elements of the paper are included in the REP (e.g., specific figures, tables, etc.).
    • Instructions for installing and running the software and extracting the corresponding results. Try to keep this as simple as possible through easy-to-use scripts.
    • The system requirements for running the REP (e.g.: OS, compilers, environments, etc.). The document should also include a description of the host platform used to prepare and test the docker image or virtual machine.
  • The repeatability evaluation committee (REC) will use the copy of the paper and the appendix to evaluate how well the elements of the REP match the paper.
  • The softwareand any accompanying data. This should be made available with a link (for example, a GitHub link) that should remain accessible throughout the review process. Please prepare either a:
    • Docker Image (preferred).
    • Virtual Machine. You may use VirtualBox to save a VM image as an OVA file.
    • Code Ocean Compute Capsule. Useful for Matlab code where a license is needed.
    • Expected resource requirements and machine architecture should be documented.
    • If your experiments use open-source simulators, please enclose them within the virtual machine or docker image.
    • Provide data as a tar.gz file with instructions for mounting it into the docker image or the virtual machine and passing the data as input to the code. If the data is large, then please share it using an appropriate cloud storage solution. You mustn’t share any proprietary data that cannot be made open source.
    • If the previous options are not viable, please contact the RE PC chairs to make other arrangements. For example, if your software uses other licensed software which cannot be included in a VM or Code Ocean.

Artifact evaluation

Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to have their research artifacts evaluated for reproducibility of results.

Awards and Special Issues

A distinguished paper award will be presented. A subset of accepted papers will be solicited for a Special issue of a related journal. One paper will be nominated for a Research Highlight in the Communications of the ACM

Ready To Submit Papers?

All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic PDF format.